View Profile dragonjet
Jet Rico Banas @dragonjet

Age 34, Male

Software Engineer

Asia Pacific College


Joined on 12/2/05

Exp Points:
4,310 / 4,440
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dragonjet's News

Posted by dragonjet - September 9th, 2010

After months of being quiet in the dark, I dragonjet bring you a new game, together with UltimateFlashGame.com and SnipingGames.net!


Shawn (from Sniper Assassin series) has a friend named Eric, who was his best friend in Sniping academy. Eric now faces his own dilemma and is forced be Aliens to do assassination jobs for them. Using Heave'n Punishment rifle, he now snipes at planetary distances!

The game was released last week and we will be expecting a 2nd episode soon. On the mean time, another bloddy shooting game is under the works. We'll keep it posted on our blogs. If you don't know my official blog, here it is.


Posted by dragonjet - April 7th, 2010

Hi, I have this new account on formspring.me
There you can tell me or ask me anything,
either anonymously or not, I'll answer it :)


In other news, I've temporarily halted on making games.
I've been doing some school work and blogging.
Oh the blogs are about my favorite K-On Anime.
I just bought the .info domain from GoDaddy haha
It was my first domain purchase for US$1.07 only :)

Please don't stop playing Winter Wars PRO,
Oh and if you're gonna give a score, please rate fairly :(

Posted by dragonjet - March 28th, 2010

dragonjet and PlayTowerDefenseGames.com presents: Winter Wars PRO

It is the second installment of the award-winning, Winter Wars.
Unfortunately, the game wasn't successful as it should be.

It initially gained around 2.70 Newgrounds score.
Some people voted wrongly, thinking it is a paid game.
This is due to a bad review given by martialmichael126.
He said it was a triad version and charges people, which is not true.

Please help and vote fairly, mark martialmichael126's review as not helpful at least. Thanks =)

Winter Wars PRO: Bad reviewer, please help

Posted by dragonjet - January 7th, 2010

I have this new tower defense game, Winter Wars!
Fans of Portal Defense or any of my games, please play it.
You will surely enjoy this snow-themed game.

It got Daily 5th Place! Thanks Newgrounds community!
This is my first award, after more than 3 years here.

Our Music Artist is Dj-Rec0il because of his special permission to use his works.
Another music artist who gave his permission is Zajed.

It is sponsored by Play Tower Defense Games.
In its site, hosted a special version where you get +50 starting money
and the ability to use the currently disabled in-game skills / spells.

Special Thanks to KongQuake who created the game walkthroughs.
Here are the walkthrough videos hosted at playtowerdefensegames.com

Winter Wars at Daily 5th place!

Posted by dragonjet - December 3rd, 2009

Hi guys! Check out our new blog here:
USA Debt Settlement
Provides your most-needed help at debt settlement on the right time, in the right way.
If you need help getting out of debt, this blog is here for you.

Posted by dragonjet - August 31st, 2009

Long time no post! Well anyway, I noticed just now,
Portal Defense has been added to the Defense Games Collection!
Thanks NG! Now that it happened, I'm gonna make an update.
Many people waited for more than a year, and also made my inbox full :D
I've promised them I'll make another update (version 8),
but I failed them. I didn't upload it, but I assure you, I have it here.

Now I am integrating HeyZap for micro-transactions.
So I'll sure be adding more towers! Don't worry, we'll revive the fun!
So far, I've done Hank tower (madness), still thinking for more.
Oh and there's also a Survival mode for non-stop action.
To prove, here are some screen shots in my blog post.

Also, there is a new game I'm working on, just to test out HeyZap.
I'll be posting another separate news for that, either here or on the blog.
That will be for later, now, I shall take my sleep... :)

dragonjet Updates!

Posted by dragonjet - August 14th, 2009

Hi, it's time again for another blog for SEO practice.
Please click the link for higher traffice :) thanks!

We have a bunch on great car auctions coming our way.
Don't worry , this blog was created especially to guide you to winning your life-long dreamed car!
Now don't hesitate and follow this link on a new tab :)
Upcoming Car Auctions

Posted by dragonjet - July 13th, 2009

My friends put up their own blog sites for fun and to generate ad revenue.
Please help them in their cause and visit each of their sites.

They post development-related content featuring our games.
Specifically, they are the facebook applications and flash games.
Also, personal stuff like programmers' pick-up lines etc.

deathscythe's Blog

blackrose's Blog

Please visit them for ad revenue (Adsense) or click ads if you want :)

A few seconds of your help is really appreciated. thanks!

Posted by dragonjet - July 5th, 2009

hi guys, I haven't posted for a while coz I've been busy.
but I'm here just to post some good events that happened lately.

I just got $53 Newgrounds ad revenue :)
After 4 months of waiting, explained on this thread
It's already processed on my PayPal account.
Oh and I forgot to post a new Donation Link.
so there it is for the money matters.

About the new game, OP: Sand Rider, well it now has a Map Editor.
don't worry guys, I'm making good progress, although not that fast.
I'm pretty busy with my internship work.
But fun is guaranteed :)

Posted by dragonjet - June 5th, 2009

Recently sponsored Dope Man's full source was sold for $22 @FlashGame License.
The deal included FLA and other related files, given that it will be used for a new game.
I will put code comments and readme file to explain all of the code.

Space Pirates, my new game I talked about in this post, was sold for sponsorship.
It included License and Full source for $50 on PayPal.
It also has code comments and readme file for explanation of code.

Strategic Design Network, Inc
Seth Jay Goldberg

I'm still continuing with the Tower Defense game.
But I'm having difficulties with time management.
Now that I have iPhone game development
and other web development stuff (Joomla, etc.)