dragonjet and PlayTowerDefenseGames.com presents: Winter Wars PRO
It is the second installment of the award-winning, Winter Wars.
Unfortunately, the game wasn't successful as it should be.
It initially gained around 2.70 Newgrounds score.
Some people voted wrongly, thinking it is a paid game.
This is due to a bad review given by martialmichael126.
He said it was a triad version and charges people, which is not true.
Please help and vote fairly, mark martialmichael126's review as not helpful at least. Thanks =)
I saw it under judgment and gave it a four. It's definitely underrated, I'm a bit surprised by the low score it got, but I strongly doubt it's because of that review as people don't see the reviews until it's out of judgment.
People are probably just a bit sick of TD games I'm afraid.
hmm.. well you're right, thanks..
but somehow the 1st version did much better than this.
it even got daily 5th place XD