from now on djbdr248 will do some graphics
especially monsters, I will have him as a co-author in the next update
anyone who is interested to contribute to this project, please contact me
HANK tower is now done and working. code, tower, icons, critical strike and upgrades
I am still not decided on what to do with PUPPY tower (retarded animal baby)
also, I don't think Darnell's special effect is a fun one, i mean, fire?
and I will cancel Boxhead's knock back effect. I cant do it sorry :(
so i'll swap Boxhead with another character,
maybe bitey of brackenwood? super-fast attack
ChaosMakerX has been contributing so much ideas now
I will include a survival mode as suggested by kamehameha25.
thanks guys :)
Play Portal Defense
Map Sharing (find new maps or share maps you created)
Level Editor Help
What to expect on Update 8
thank you for all the people who keep on supporting the game,
I appreciate your help and ideas. You guyz rulez!!