not as good as the first one
what an interesting attempt go back to the top
but its not enough, yes I admit its good
but there are some bad sides
WE like the first one because:
1. there, we build our tower in our own positions, make our own path, which makes it more of a strategy game than a defense game. (we liked that). but this second one has predefined blocks which are buildable.
2. The turrets are BIG, and I mean some turrets are really BIG. resulting to less towers can be built. We like the little ones and many of them.
3. Speaking of big turrets, we can see the rotation of its cannon is real slow, so for a turret to fire on an enemy in the back, he will rotate for maybe a second or less. It must be immediate rotation to fire quickly.
4. found a bug, the first time I played then clicked "continue", I can play on the first 3 levels. When I clicked "new game" that is the only time 2 was locked.
5. Bug again, on the first stage, I blocked the entrance of the upper path coz I want them to go thru the lower path. Then I put a wall in the exit of the upper path, It says "blocking"
this is what I mean on number 5: sdasdasdasd.JPG