I have registered a new domain for my website
but the files are currently unavailable so we can see only a sample page
Hereis the link: http://www.dragonjet.co.cc/
I am currently developing Battlefield 2003,
an entry for the MaxGames contest
I hope I will win, or get any bonus for that matter
"Battlefield 2003" because it is about the Iraqi War.
I included DICE and EA Games in credits.
I used some music and sounds from the original battlefield games.
but all the animation and scripting etc is done by me, dragonjet
only the sounds and music are from DICE and EA.
It is a shooting game wherein enemies will show up on windows and doors
Movement will be like side-scrolling (platformer) and player will travel throught the city
Has single player quick start and a campaign mode to unlock levels
It will include tanks, vehicles, artillery, team assist and more...